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Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
Ginger cinnamon Seeds
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Ginger cinnamon Seeds

Ginger cinnamon Seeds

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Ah, Alpinia zerumbet, it cures all the sores of the soul!

It is no coincidence that we nickname this Ginger with so many sweet words "flower of paradise", "flower of my soul", "tears of the virgin", "shell flower"... Everything is seductive in Him: its very decorative foliage, with very shiny leaves finely variegated with yellow; its long spikes of flowers with elegant white corollas opening onto bold red and yellow petals; its amusing orange fruits resembling Chinese lanterns...

And what's more, it smells good... Its flowers are deliciously fragrant and its leaves smell like cinnamon! This is why it is also known as “Cinnamon Ginger”. It is hardy - its rhizome can withstand -10°C - but keep it above 5°C for beautiful flowering.

So, don't hesitate, quickly, a Cinnamon Ginger in your home!Jacaranda mimosifolia: Flamboyant blue
Family: Bignoniaceae
origin: Brazil
Height in its natural environment: 50 m
Hardiness: -5°C
Flower color: blue-purple
Difficulty level: For everyone